January 15, 2025


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Church of the Saviour

An ecumenical Christian church in Washington, DC, encompassing nine faith communities.

One of the sister faith communities in the tradition of The Church of the Saviour. We are a small, diverse ecumenical church with members from different faith backgrounds and ways of expressing our faith. We hold in common the desire to follow Jesus through peacemaking, work for justice (especially economic justice), and environmental sanity.All are welcome.
Gordon and Mary talk about the beginning of The Church of the Savior. Video by Michael Smith.
A short video by Michael Smith showing images of life in the church community.
One of the sister faith communities in the tradition of The Church of the Saviour. Our call is to be a "Seekers community" which comes together in weekly worship rooted in the Biblical faith and with shared leadership, and disperses with a common commitment to understand and implement Christian servanthood in the structures in which we live our lives.
The Church of the Saviour, an ecumenical Christian church envisioned by Gordon and Mary Cosby in the early 1940's, was incorporated in 1947 in Washington, D.C., when they and seven others became its first members. 
Dayspring Church. Eighth Day Faith Community. Festival Church. Friends of Jesus Church. Jubilee Church. Lazarus Church. New Community Church. Potter's House Church. Seekers Church.
Video of service at Eighth Day Church in October 2010. By Michael Smith.
One of the sister faith communities in the tradition of The Church of the Saviour.
One of the sister faith communities in the tradition of The Church of the Saviour. Our mission is to be the presence of Christ in the Adams Morgan area of Washington, DC, welcoming the neighborhood, those who are homeless or addicted, rich or poor, from all walks of life, to grow together in love for one another and in a deepening relationship with Jesus Christ.
One of the sister faith communities in the tradition of The Church of the Saviour. We are a local and multi-denominational expression of the Body of Christ in the tradition of the Church of the Saviour at 614 S Street NW, Washington, DC, and the surrounding neighborhood. Worship is on Sunday at 11 AM.
One of the sister faith communities in the tradition of The Church of the Saviour. Potter’s House Church & Jubilee Church worship together on Wednesdays at 6 PM. This economically diverse community is partly made up of individuals living in Jubilee Housing along with other members who are committed to supporting either Jubilee Housing or the Potter’s House. We gather around hymns, prayer, scripture reflection, and a common meal.
The Prodigal Sisters of Eve
One of the sister faith communities in the tradition of the Church of the Saviour. This church was started by Gordon Cosby in 1999 as a new way to come together for meaningful dialogue and practice of scripture applied to relationships in ways that break down barriers of race and class. Worship includes simple gospel style hymns, prayer, and scripture reflection over a full dinner.
Video of service at Friends of Jesus Church in May 2012. By Michael Smith.
Rev. Joseph Deck preaches on "Take Out the Trash."
Rooted in the tradition of The Church of the Saviour, the Servant Leadership School offers a unique approach to theological education that emphasizes an integrated process of personal and social transformation. Programs are organized around six themes: Call in community, prayer and contemplation, Scripture and the Christian tradition, economic and earth justice, liberation from oppression, and peace and reconciliation.
Three Duke Divinity School students reflect on their experience at The Church of the Saviour - 2008, 2009, 2010.
An article about the essence of The Church of the Saviour. It first appeared in Cutting Edge, a magazine for church leaders.
By Elizabeth O'Connor, long-time member of The Church of the Saviour, Washington, DC. 1963.  "The story of The Church of the Saviour is the most encouraging Christian fellowship known to me," according to Elton Trueblood in the Foreword. Appendix I: Courses in the School of Christian Living. Appendix II: Spiritual Direction.
By Elizabeth O'Connor, long-time member of The Church of the Saviour. 1979. From the Foreword by Douglas V. Steere: "In every letter there is not only the sting of what it would mean if we took the Christian way seriously. There is also rich nurture and a readiness to take us as we are and to help move us on in. In this sense it is a workbook..."
By Elizabeth O'Connor, long-time member of The Church of the Saviour, Washington, DC. 1986. From the Foreword by Gordon Cosby, co-founder of The Church of the Saviour: "God comes to most of us through the commonplace events of life, which become extraordinary events because out of our time in the silence we bring to the ordinary a deepened sensitivity and a new quality of seeing and hearing."
By Elizabeth O'Connor, long-time member of The Church of the Saviour. 1987. "The journey from the head to the heart...is the longest distance we will ever cover....In looking back we discover that the unifying theme is 'call'....Every single one of us has a 'good work' to do in life. This good work not only accomplishes something needed in the world, but completes something in us. When it is finished a new work emerges that will help us to make green a desert place, as well as to scale another mountain in ourselves." (from the Preface)